
Object CSV Mapper for Java

View the Project on GitHub mkhanal/quickocm

QuickOCM - Parse and convert your CSV files to your models in your java application.


  1. Significance of header in CSV.
  2. Annotation based, annotate your models with header-name, datatype, nested model structure.
  3. Supports nested object compositions in the models.
  4. Treats each record of the CSV as a model and will invoke user designated handler for each row i.e. model.
  5. Validation of the data-types in CSV automatically handled.

Getting Started

Maven dependency


Assume your CSV, (first line are headers)

user name 		, age 		, Date Of JOiNinG 	, Referrer Code 	, Street Name  	, House No , City
phillips  		, 23  		, 19/09/1999	  	, referrer1     	, south street 	, 12       	 , Timbak 1
sri krishna 		, 25  		, 20/12/2012      	, referrer2     	, north street 	, 24       	 , Timbak 2
Jaquiline 		, 44  		,	  	          	, referrer3     	, east street  	, 36       	 , Timbak 3
Who so ever 	, 20000 	, 22/02/2010  		, referrer4     	, west street  	, 48       	 , Timbak 4

To parse this, you need :